we will Write an ad & decide where you would like it to appear. Show ads to more customers on Google when they search for your products or services.

We research, analyze, and target your audience uniquely.
The more people that view your website the more inevitable sales become. Pay per click is a service which is highly underused by businesses on Google, as they don’t even know it exists. Have you ever wondered how to get your businesses linked to the top of Google overnight, so that everyone sees it first. That is what pay per click is designed to do, that’s why for businesses who sell products that are needed rather than wanted by consumers, pay per click is the way to go.

Why use PPC Advertising?
PPC Advertising

- To meet your Sales Target.
- Organic Search takes time. It helps google to crawl your page faster.
- Drive unique traffic that relates to your product or services.
- Get the most promising leads
- Grab Leads for your call center.
- Cut through the competition.
- 88% of customers use the internet for searching for local businesses.
- 29% of customers explore local businesses at least every week.
- Google keeps only 71% of the market share.
- 98% of customers select the business which is on the 1st page of Google.
- 70% of mobile customers directly request business from a google search.
- Google obtains 95% of the profits from marketing.
Why use PPC Advertising?
Google Ads have the power to take a brand new business to the very top of a google search. In many cases traffic to your website will more than double, leaving you to sell more products than you have ever sold before. However if done incorrectly your website could show up where it doesn’t belong, and result in you paying for clicks that don’t even want your product.
Optimizo specializes in analyzing the search engine metrics in your industry and area to ensure that your website link only shows up to the people who need your services, as we don’t want someone looking for a dentist to visit a chiropractors website. Our team of experts can create intellectual, specialized and careful manufactured campaigns to double your website traffic tomorrow… so book a free consultation so that we can analyze where we can help you improve.
From start-ups to Big companies, we work with brands to grow their revenue.